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The Future of Retail: How to Get Ahead of the Game with Retailvista

Keeping up with the ever-changing dynamics of retail is a challenging task. The digital age we live in has completely transformed how people shop and how businesses operate, but that’s not to say that it won’t continue to change even more in the future. If you’re interested in exploring new ideas for how retail will look moving forward, then you’ll want to read this article from Retailvista. It covers everything from artificial intelligence (AI) to virtual reality (VR) and much more in between. Keep reading to learn more about the future of retail and how you can leverage these insights to grow your business today.


AI in retail

Artificial intelligence is a hot topic in many industries, but its applications in retail are especially significant. Already, you can see AI impacting the customer experience, including product recommendations and insights on customer behavior. AI is also used in inventory management and supply chain operations, and it’s likely that it will be used in many other areas of retail in the future. It’s also important to note that AI and machine learning aren’t the same thing. While both are computer systems that can learn and improve over time, machine learning requires a human input to “teach” a computer what to learn, while artificial intelligence doesn’t require this. Retailers that use AI can expect to see benefits like increased sales, a reduction in shrink and a better customer experience. Retailvista


VR and AR in retail

Although VR and AR have been around since the early ‘90s, they’ve really only started to reach the masses in the last few years. VR allows you to step into a completely different digital world, while AR overlays digital information on top of the real world. Both VR and AR have several applications in retail. VR, for example, is being used to allow customers to try on clothes or test out different furniture pieces before they buy them. You can also use VR to allow customers to shop from home, or bring pop-up shops to customers with AR. Even though VR and AR have only recently gained popularity, retailers should be prepared for these technologies to evolve. Augmented reality is expected to become even more prominent in the next few years, and VR will likely continue to grow in popularity as well.


Mergers and Acquisitions

As with any industry, mergers and acquisitions happen every year in retail. However, it’s clear that the retail industry is undergoing a significant M&A boom right now. In 2018 alone, there were more than $300 billion worth of retail M&A deals, and there’s no sign that the activity is slowing down. These deals are likely to impact the future of retail in a number of ways. First, they’re likely to result in more retail brands closing unprofitable locations. This could mean that customers will face fewer options when they shop, but it could also allow those who remain open to increase their foot traffic. Mergers and acquisitions also tend to result in customer benefits, such as lower prices or better deals.


Robotics in retail

Robots have been a part of the retail scene for several years now, but their applications have recently expanded. Robots can now be used for everything from stocking shelves to improving the customer experience. Robots can now be programmed to help customers find what they’re looking for or even create personalized products. They can also help reduce shrink and lead to cost savings. Robots are especially useful in grocery stores and other types of warehouses where there’s a need for efficiency and accuracy. Robots are expected to play an even bigger role in retail in the future.


3D Printing in retail

While 3D printing isn’t exactly a new concept, it’s recently started to show up in the retail industry. Like with robotics, 3D printing is useful for creating personalized products, such as shoes. 3D printing is also being used to create products quickly, which is especially useful for businesses with high volumes. While it’s not clear how 3D printing will evolve in the future, it’s likely to play a significant role in retail.


Bottom line

Retail is an ever-changing industry, and you need to stay up to date on the latest trends to be successful. Artificial intelligence, VR and AR, mergers and acquisitions and 3D printing are just a few of the many technologies that are set to play a role in the future of retail. While these trends will impact how you do business, they also provide opportunities for you to stand out in the marketplace and truly excel as a retailer.

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