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Make your life easier by renting instead of buying!

There are many things in life people argue are better to purchase than rent. Things like a house, a car, and more. While that is true, the other way can also be accurate, there are some things in life that is better to rent than to buy. There are many reasons as to why it can be better, it can be less expensive and one of the biggest reasons is that sometimes we don’t need certain things forever but simply just for a little while. In this blog post, we will list things you can rent that can make your life easier instead of buying it.

IPv4 addresses

Jumping right into it, IPv4 addresses are an amazing example of something you should be renting instead of buying, especially if you are a small business that has an online presence and/or store. Ever since the IPv4 addresses ran out in 2019, the prices for a single address have gone sky-high, making bulk purchases basically impossible for smaller businesses. However, if you rent IPv4 addresses will be less financially harsh. You will also be able to use the addresses quicker since there are fewer processes to go through, this is why people choose to lease IPv4 as well.

Camping gear

If you are planning to go camping by yourself or with friends and you’ve never done so before, you will need camping gear. However, you may not want to buy a full-on camping set just to go camping once. You maybe aren’t planning to go camping often and this won’t be a regular thing. You can rent all the camping gear instead and you won’t have to bear the responsibility of owning a lot of camping gear and not going camping.

A truck

If you are planning to move to another home, you will need a truck to move all of your things. Obviously, if you don’t have a truck you won’t go out and buy one just for the purpose of moving. Instead, you’d rent one for however long you need to move all of your things.